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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kua Number - An Important Feng Shui Tool

The Kua measure as any person helps one analyze their providence as well as defines their auspicious as well as star-crossed orientations with personal colors to wear as well as avoid as these connection directions. Each measure attracts a varied form of prosperity. It is desirable that you eat, sit as well as sleep inside the auspicious directions.

The behaviour qualities of an individual, his illnesses, the elements as well as colors immediate his aura, his auspicious napping directions, the nuclear family which could subsume him adversely as well as all positive statistics involving the individual can engagement got wind by the Kua number. This measure determines an individual's comfort level inside a issued environment, his compatibility in addition to others as well as the disputes or dangers he could experience to facial expression in the course of his being alive time.

The four some auspicious orientations as according to the Kua Numbers are:

1.Personal Development (Fu Wei) Direction: This helps better your stability as well as behaviour development. It also aids your reflection process. Your kindheartedness as well as facet as others also increases.

2.Your Romance (Nien Yen) Direction: As is comprehensible fancy the say itself, this is the relationship direction. It will lend a (helping) hand to you pull off a charming relationship in addition to your family, friends as well as family unit by reducing all varieties of troubles, fights, quarrels as well as misunderstandings.

3.Health (Tien Yi) Direction: This course brings pleasing health as well as analysis fancy illnesses. It brings alleviation fancy suffering as well as lend a (helping) hand to inside the curing process.

4.Success (Sheng Chi) direction: This is the course inside which there will engagement improvement inside the education field. Prosperity inside business as well as lots of abundance of happiness will also approach craft this direction. It is the course of content as well as prosperity.

Similar to the auspicious directions, there are certain star-crossed orientations with according to the Kua Number theory. They are:

1.Six Killing or Obstacle (Liu Sha) Direction: This entails your course as legal troubles as well as incessant illnesses.

2.Five Ghosts or Illness (Wu Kuei) Direction: This could cause illnesses inside your head as well as some scandals. There could also engagement accidents.

3.Total Loss (Chueh Ming) Direction: This is the vilest course as distant as your jobs, careers as well as investments are concerned. It could also bring atrocious misfortunes to an individual.

4. Mishaps (Hou Hai) Direction: This could steer to arguments as well as death of money.

The forecast of the Kua measure has its reason on the Chinese solar calendar. The measure is calculated in addition to the lend a (helping) hand to of the date, term as well as the locality of birth. The sexual activity of the individual upset is also inquired as the forecast of the Kua numbers.

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